Die Pampoen Padstal - Worcester Farm Stall, Route 62, Cape Winelands, Western Cape
The Pampoen farm stall in Worcester has been in the family for more than 30 years and is a famous landmark in the area. Pampoen farm stall would like to provide fresh produce from the farm to the public. With the change of seasons the products at the farm stall also change.
We make jams and preserve products. Very popular is our Maketan jam, as well as sundried raisins. Another very popular jam is Green Figs. We also have other jams such as Hanepoot, sultanas, quince, peach, ripe figs, tomato, apricot and many more. We not only have jams, there are baskets, dried fruits, wire works and other products to purchase.
Pumpkins are also specially grown on the farm for the farmstall which can be purchased for decoration or to eat.
On our “stoep” is a cosy corner where tea or coffee and rusks can be enjoyed. This may therefore be a welcome stop if you want to stretch your legs after a long drive.
Die Pampoen Padstal bestaan al reeds vir meer as 30 jaar . Ons hou van vars produkte wat ons self op die plaas kweek. Veral oor die jare het die pampoene ‘n groot rol gespeel as aantrekkingskrag tot die padstal.
Daar is ook baie konfyt, droe vrugte, gebak bv. Beskuit en koekies. Mandjies en material produkte en allerhande ander snuisterye word ook te koop aangebied. Op die stoep kan ook heerlike koffie of tee en beskuit, of pampoen muffin geniet word.
Please contact Hettie directly for more information.